Ministry Sync webhooks can be sent based on a series of events or actions that occur within your Fundeasy or Attendeasy account.
These action events are what we call triggers. See below for a list and description of each of these triggers.
Trigger | Resource | Description of when trigger occurs |
EventCreated | Event | Triggered when a new event has been created. |
EventUpdated | Event | Triggered when Event Details have been updated in Event Setup. |
EventDeleted | Event | Triggered when an event has been deleted. |
EventOpened | Event | Triggered when the status of the event has been changed to "Open". |
EventClosed | Event | Triggered when the status of the event has been changed to "Closed". |
EventPending | Event | Triggered when the status of the event has been changed to "Not Yet Open". |
RegistrantCreated | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has filled out and submitted the event registration form, regardless if they complete registration. This will include complete and incomplete registrations. |
RegistrantCompleted | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has completed the entire registration proccess. This does not include incomplete registrations. |
RegistrantDeclined | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant declines the invitation email or on the registration form. |
RegistrantUpdated | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant updates a person profile (ie: name, address, phone, email, etc). |
RegistrantUpdatedAny | Registrant | Triggered when any action has been done to a registrant. This combines the triggers: RegistrantUpdated, RegistrantDeleted, RegistrantCancelled, RegistrantRestored, RegistrantPromoted, RegistrantDemoted & RegistrantMoved into one trigger. |
RegistrantDeleted | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has been permanently deleted from the event. |
RegistrantCancelled | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has been cancelled from the event. |
RegistrantRestored | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has been restored from the cancelled list. |
RegistrantPromoted | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has been promoted to a group host (ie: Table Host, Team Captain). |
RegistrantDemoted | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has been demoted as a group host (ie: Table Host, Team Captain), to a normal registrant. |
RegistrantMoved | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant has been moved to another group. |
RegistrantAttendanceRecorded | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant's attendance has been recorded in Live Attendance or when recording attendance manually. |
RegistrantAttendanceDeleted | Registrant | Triggered when a registrant's attendance has been deleted in Live Attendance or when recording attendance manually. |
GroupCreated | Group | Triggered when a new group has been created. |
GroupUpdated | Group | Triggered when a group has been updated (ie: name, group limit, etc). |
GroupDeleted | Group | Triggered when a group has been deleted. |
EventSponsorCreated | Event Sponsor | Triggered when a new event sponsor has been created. |
EventSponsorUpdated | Event Sponsor | Triggered when an event sponsor has been updated (ie: name, logo, amount, etc). |
EventSponsorDeleted | Event Sponsor | Triggered when an event sponsor has been deleted. |
RegistrantPaymentReceived | Payment | Triggered when a payment has been received for a registrant. |
RegistrantPaymentUpdated | Payment | Triggered when a payment has been updated for a registrant (ie: chargeback, refunded, returned). |
EventSponsorPaymentReceived | Payment | Triggered when a payment has been received for an event sponsor. |
EventSponsorPaymentUpdated | Payment | Triggered when a payment has been updated for an event sponsor (ie: chargeback, refunded, returned). |
Your endpoint assigned in the url field of the webhook settings will be sent a payload with data according to the appropriate corresponding resource.
See Structures for information and example data payloads that you can expect to receive from different triggers.
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