Ministry Sync Developer Resources

Available Triggers

Trigger types and their respective resources

Ministry Sync webhooks can be sent based on a series of events or actions that occur within your Fundeasy or Attendeasy account.

These action events are what we call triggers. See below for a list and description of each of these triggers.

List of Triggers

Trigger Resource Description of when trigger occurs
EventCreated Event Triggered when a new event has been created.
EventUpdated Event Triggered when Event Details have been updated in Event Setup.
EventDeleted Event Triggered when an event has been deleted.
EventOpened Event Triggered when the status of the event has been changed to "Open".
EventClosed Event Triggered when the status of the event has been changed to "Closed".
EventPending Event Triggered when the status of the event has been changed to "Not Yet Open".
RegistrantCreated Registrant Triggered when a registrant has filled out and submitted the event registration form, regardless if they complete registration. This will include complete and incomplete registrations.
RegistrantCompleted Registrant Triggered when a registrant has completed the entire registration proccess. This does not include incomplete registrations.
RegistrantDeclined Registrant Triggered when a registrant declines the invitation email or on the registration form.
RegistrantUpdated Registrant Triggered when a registrant updates a person profile (ie: name, address, phone, email, etc).
RegistrantUpdatedAny Registrant Triggered when any action has been done to a registrant. This combines the triggers: RegistrantUpdated, RegistrantDeleted, RegistrantCancelled, RegistrantRestored, RegistrantPromoted, RegistrantDemoted & RegistrantMoved into one trigger.
RegistrantDeleted Registrant Triggered when a registrant has been permanently deleted from the event.
RegistrantCancelled Registrant Triggered when a registrant has been cancelled from the event.
RegistrantRestored Registrant Triggered when a registrant has been restored from the cancelled list.
RegistrantPromoted Registrant Triggered when a registrant has been promoted to a group host (ie: Table Host, Team Captain).
RegistrantDemoted Registrant Triggered when a registrant has been demoted as a group host (ie: Table Host, Team Captain), to a normal registrant.
RegistrantMoved Registrant Triggered when a registrant has been moved to another group.
RegistrantAttendanceRecorded Registrant Triggered when a registrant's attendance has been recorded in Live Attendance or when recording attendance manually.
RegistrantAttendanceDeleted Registrant Triggered when a registrant's attendance has been deleted in Live Attendance or when recording attendance manually.
GroupCreated Group Triggered when a new group has been created.
GroupUpdated Group Triggered when a group has been updated (ie: name, group limit, etc).
GroupDeleted Group Triggered when a group has been deleted.
EventSponsorCreated Event Sponsor Triggered when a new event sponsor has been created.
EventSponsorUpdated Event Sponsor Triggered when an event sponsor has been updated (ie: name, logo, amount, etc).
EventSponsorDeleted Event Sponsor Triggered when an event sponsor has been deleted.
RegistrantPaymentReceived Payment Triggered when a payment has been received for a registrant.
RegistrantPaymentUpdated Payment Triggered when a payment has been updated for a registrant (ie: chargeback, refunded, returned).
EventSponsorPaymentReceived Payment Triggered when a payment has been received for an event sponsor.
EventSponsorPaymentUpdated Payment Triggered when a payment has been updated for an event sponsor (ie: chargeback, refunded, returned).

What data is delivered when a trigger event happens?

Your endpoint assigned in the url field of the webhook settings will be sent a payload with data according to the appropriate corresponding resource.

See Structures for information and example data payloads that you can expect to receive from different triggers.

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