Ministry Sync Developer Resources

Resource Structures

What data to expect when a delivery is made to your endpoint

The following is a list of possible resource data structures and their respective fields that they include.

The Body Envelope

When an HTTP request is made to the endpoint specified in the Webhook configuration, the body will differ depending on the trigger types.

Every Webhook request resource body will be delivered with the following "envelope" data:

Field Type Description
time integer Time in milliseconds that the action occurred
trigger string The triggering action

Example Envelope

    "group": {},
    "time": 1539091656590,
    "trigger": "GroupCreated"


An address object structure


Field Type Description
address1 string Address details
address2 string Address details
city string City
state string State Details
postal_code string Postal Code
country string Country Details


    "address1": "221b Baker St",
    "address2": null,
    "city": "London",
    "state": "IL",
    "postal_code": "61061",
    "country": "US"


Financial amounts object structure


Field Type Description
gross float Gross amount collected
fee float Merchant fees
net float Net amount collected
is_fee_covered boolean Whether or not fee is covered by registrant


    "gross": 75,
    "fee": 0,
    "net": 75,
    "is_fee_covered": false


An Event Sponsor and its details


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier
account_id integer Unique identifier for owner account
event_id integer Identifier for associated event
name string Name of sponsor
logo string Url for logo file
website string Url of sponsor website
impressions integer Number of impressions received
clicks integer Number of clicks received
is_active boolean Whether or not sponsor is active
total integer Total number of dontation


    "id": 20801,
    "account_id": 3,
    "event_id": 14416,
    "name": "Wade Watts, and Co.",
    "logo": "",
    "website": null,
    "impressions": 0,
    "clicks": 0,
    "is_active": true,
    "total": 500


The event resource structure consists of all details related to the AttendEasy or FundEasy Event


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier
account_id integer Unique identifier for owner account
status string A description of the current status for the event
Possible Values:
closed open not_yet_open
type string Identifier for the type of Ministry Sync event
Possible Values:
attendeasy attendeasy_pta attendeasy_multi_day fundeasy fundeasy_campaign easygiving
product string Identifier for the type of Ministry Sync product
Possible Values:
attendeasy fundeasy easygiving
title string Title of the event
title_internal string An internally used title for the event
subtitle string A secondary title for the event
event_date string Date of event in YYYY-MM-DD format
start_time string Start time of event in HH:MM:SS format
end_time string End time of event in HH:MM:SS format
ongoing boolean Whether or not the event is ongoing
is_all_day boolean Whether or not the event lasts all day
public_display_date string Custom text string for displaying event date
public_display_time string Custom text string for displaying event time
location string Name of where the event is held
parking_info string Details for parking
address structure
Event address object
registrant_count integer Number of current registrants
total_raised integer Number of dollars raised
capacity integer Number of allowed attendees
goal string Event fundraising goal
mc string Person hosting event
speaker_name string Person speaking at event
speaker_description string Details on speaker
info_link string URL of website for event
meal_choices_enabled boolean Whether or not meal choices are enabled
repeating_event_dates string Array of date strings in YYYY-MM-DD format
roles structure
Array of role objects


    "id": 14416,
    "account_id": 3,
    "status": "open",
    "type": "fundeasy_campaign",
    "product": "fundeasy",
    "title": "Raising Money for Things",
    "title_internal": null,
    "subtitle": "Fundraising is fun with Ministry Sync!",
    "event_date": "2018-01-12",
    "start_time": "00:00:00",
    "end_time": "00:00:00",
    "ongoing": false,
    "is_all_day": false,
    "public_display_date": null,
    "public_display_time": null,
    "location": "Park West",
    "parking_info": null,
    "address": {
        "address1": "123 S Main",
        "address2": null,
        "city": "Morristown",
        "state": "IL",
        "postal_code": "61054",
        "country": "US"
    "registrant_count": 239,
    "total_raised": 2100,
    "capacity": null,
    "goal": 2500,
    "mc": null,
    "speaker_name": null,
    "speaker_description": null,
    "info_link": "",
    "meal_choices_enabled": false,
    "repeating_event_dates": [
    "roles": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Walker"
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Sponsor"


A group object structure


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier
event_id integer Identifier for associated event
name string Name of group or team
registrant_count integer Number of current registrants in group
attended_registrant_count integer Number of current registrants marked as attended
table_number integer The assigned number for the group's table
table_limit integer The maximum number of allowed individuals at this table
is_private boolean Whether or not the group is visible on registration forms


    "id": 344357,
    "event_id": 14416,
    "name": "John's Team",
    "registrant_count": 3,
    "attended_registrant_count": 1,
    "table_number": 0,
    "table_limit": null,
    "is_private": false


A party object structure


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for registrant's party
count integer Number of individuals in party


    "id": 4436290,
    "count": 1


The payment resource displays data related to the automatic and manual capture of payments.


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for payment
account_id integer Unique identifier for owner account
invoice_id integer Unique identifier for invoice
event_sponsor_id integer Unique identifier of event sponsor related to payment (if available)
event_id integer Unique identifier of event related to payment
merchant_transaction_id string Unique identifier provided by merchant
payment_type string Short description of payment type
name_on_card string First name on card
phone string Formatted phone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX
email string Email of source of payment
address structure
Payment address
payment_account string Last four of card
cc_expire_date string Expiry date of card
auth_code integer Authorization code
amount structure
Amount object
payment_status string Status of payment
Possible Values:
not_paid partially_paid paid pending refunded charged_back
payment_message string Comments and information entered about payment
was_entered_manually boolean Whether or not the payment was entered manually
check_num integer Check number
registrant_ids [integer] Array of unique identifiers of registrant related to payment (if available)


    "id": 862763,
    "account_id": 3,
    "invoice_id": 1098941,
    "event_sponsor_id": null,
    "event_id": 14416,
    "merchant_transaction_id": "",
    "payment_type": "CHECK",
    "name_on_card": "Luke",
    "phone": "(815) 555-5555",
    "email": "",
    "address": {
        "street": "123 S Main",
        "city": "Somewhereville",
        "state": "IL",
        "postal_code": "61054",
        "country": "US"
    "payment_account": "Processed Manually",
    "cc_expire_date": null,
    "auth_code": null,
    "amount": {
        "gross": 500,
        "fee": 0,
        "net": 500,
        "is_fee_covered": false
    "payment_status": "paid",
    "payment_message": " - Comment: This was fun",
    "was_entered_manually": true,
    "check_num": 1111,
    "registrant_ids": [


A contact object structure


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for person
account_id integer Unique identifier for account that the person belongs to
created_at string Date and time registrant record was created (ISO 8601)
updated_at string Date and time registrant record was created (ISO 8601)
event_id integer Identifier for associated event
status string Current registrant status
Possible Values:
imported invited registered cancelled attended active not attended finished declined incomplete
registered_at string Date and time of registration (ISO 8601) - If invite contact has registered
registrant_id integer Unique identifier for registrant - If invite contact has registered
first_name string First name of church contact
last_name string Last name of church contact
address1 string Address details
address2 string Address details
city string City
state string State Details
postal_code string Postal Code
country_code string Country Code
email string Primary email of church contact
phone string Primary phone of church contact
donor_id string Unique custom identifier


    "id": 1234,
    "account_id": 111,
    "created_at": "2019-05-29T20:43:37.000Z",
    "updated_at": null,
    "event_id": 7530,
    "status": "imported",
    "registered_at": null,
    "registrant_id": null,
    "first_name": "Napoleon",
    "last_name": "Dynamite",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "(815) 555-5555",
    "address1": "123 Rico Blvd",
    "address2": "",
    "city": "Somewhereville",
    "state": "IA",
    "postal_code": "54123-4512",
    "country_code": "US",
    "invites_sent": 0,
    "donor_id": "abc-54321"


A contact person object structure


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for person
account_id integer Unique identifier for account that the person belongs to
title string Church contact name
salutation string Church contact salutation
first_name string First name of church contact
last_name string Last name of church contact
gender string Gender of church contact
Possible Values:
male female
address structure
Church contact's address
phone string Primary phone of church contact
email string Primary email of church contact
is_company boolean Whether or not the person record represents a company
company string Name of company this record represents
occupation string Occupation of person
donor_id string Unique custom identifier
birth_date string Date in YYYY-MM-DD
photo string URL for stored photo
facebook_id string Identifier of facebook account
website string Website url
created_at string Date and time registrant record was created (ISO 8601)
created_by string User that created the registrant record
updated_at string Date and time registrant record was created (ISO 8601)
updated_by string User that last updated the registrant record


    "id": 4077574,
    "account_id": 123,
    "title": null,
    "salutation": "Parzival",
    "first_name": "Wade",
    "last_name": "Watts",
    "gender": "male",
    "marital_status": "single",
    "address": {
        "address1": "100 Gregarious Way",
        "address2": "Unit 1000",
        "city": "Columbus",
        "state": "OH",
        "postal_code": "43004",
        "country": "US"
    "phone": "(555) 444-4545",
    "email": "",
    "is_company": false,
    "company": null,
    "occupation": "Gunter",
    "donor_id": null,
    "birth_date": "2027-08-12",
    "photo": null,
    "facebook_id": null,
    "website": "",
    "created_at": "2018-07-30T20:20:51.000Z",
    "created_by": "Josh Weaver",
    "updated_at": "2018-11-06T15:07:20.000Z",
    "updated_by": "Josh Weaver"


An object representing an individual registered for an event


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier
account_id integer Unique identifier for account owner
event_id integer Identifier for associated event
event_title string The title of the event for the registration
event_start_date string The start date of the event (YYYY-MM-DD)
person_id integer Unique identifier for associated person
status string Current registrant status
Possible Values:
registered cancelled attended active not attended finished declined incomplete
registered_at string Date and time (ISO 8601)
cancelled_at string Date and time (ISO 8601)
status_last_changed_at string Date and time (ISO 8601)
table_number integer Number assigned to table
is_main_contact boolean Whether or not the registrant is the primary contact
is_host boolean Whether or not the registrant is a host
seating_request string Seating requested by registrant
role_name string Description of the registrant role
role_type string String of registrant role kind/type
Possible Values:
liaison sponsor participant
registration_credit string User that received credit for registration
original_group_id integer Unique identifier for when system moves registrant
church_name string Name of currently associated Church
invoice_id integer Unique identifier for invoice related to registration
amount_invoiced integer Amount of money invoiced
amount_paid integer Amount of money paid to invoice
amount_tax_deductible integer Amount of money paid that is tax deductible
processing_fee integer Merchant fee for processing payment
payment_status string Status of registrant payment
Possible Values:
paid not_paid refunded charged_back
child_amount_invoiced integer Amount of money invoiced
child_amount_paid integer Amount of money paid
child_registrant_count integer Number of individuals registered under registrant
meal_choice string Choice of meal (when applicable)
dietary_restrictions string Any special dietary restrictions (when applicable)
parent_registrant_id integer Unique identifier of registrant responsible for this registrant
person structure
Details for this registrant
group structure
A group object
party structure
A party object
tags structure
An array of tag objects


    "id": 3459293,
    "account_id": 3,
    "event_id": 14416,
    "event_title": "Testing Ongoing Campaign",
    "event_start_date": "2018-01-12",
    "person_id": 3708698,
    "status": "not attended",
    "registered_at": "2018-07-30T20:20:52.000Z",
    "cancelled_at": null,
    "status_last_changed_at": "2018-10-02T21:48:09.000Z",
    "table_number": 0,
    "is_main_contact": false,
    "is_host": false,
    "seating_request": null,
    "role_name": "Walker",
    "role_type": "participant",
    "registration_credit": "Josh Weaver (Ministry Sync)",
    "original_group_id": null,
    "church_name": "River Oak Church",
    "invoice_id": null,
    "amount_invoiced": 0,
    "amount_paid": 0,
    "amount_tax_deductible": 0,
    "processing_fee": 0,
    "payment_status": "paid",
    "child_amount_invoiced": 0,
    "child_amount_paid": 0,
    "child_registrant_count": 0,
    "meal_choice": null,
    "dietary_restrictions": null,
    "parent_registrant_id": null,
    "person": {
        "id": 4077574,
        "account_id": 123,
        "title": null,
        "salutation": "Parzival",
        "first_name": "Wade",
        "last_name": "Watts",
        "gender": "male",
        "marital_status": "single",
        "address": {
            "address1": "100 Gregarious Way",
            "address2": "Unit 1000",
            "city": "Columbus",
            "state": "OH",
            "postal_code": "43004",
            "country": "US"
        "phone": "(555) 444-4545",
        "email": "",
        "is_company": false,
        "company": null,
        "occupation": "Gunter",
        "donor_id": null,
        "birth_date": "2027-08-12",
        "photo": null,
        "facebook_id": null,
        "website": "",
        "created_at": "2018-07-30T20:20:51.000Z",
        "created_by": "Josh Weaver",
        "updated_at": "2018-11-06T15:07:20.000Z",
        "updated_by": "Josh Weaver"
    "group": {
        "id": 344357,
        "event_id": 14416,
        "name": "The High Five 5",
        "registrant_count": 3,
        "attended_registrant_count": 0,
        "table_number": 0,
        "table_limit": null
    "party": {
        "id": 4436272,
        "count": 1
    "tags": [
            "id": 116,
            "name": "Gunter"
            "id": 117,
            "name": "High Five"


An tag object structure


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for tag
name string Custom text denoting tag


    "id": 115,
    "name": "Jedi"


An registrant role object structure


Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier for role
name string Custom text denoting role


    "id": 2,
    "name": "Walker"
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