Param | Length | Type | Required | Description |
APIUsername | 36 | string | Yes | Assigned by Ministry Sync |
APIPassword | 36 | string | Yes | Assigned by Ministry Sync |
APIKey | 36 | string | Yes | Assigned by Ministry Sync |
Action | 36 | string | Yes | SelectEvents |
StartDate | 36 | string | Yes | Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
EndDate | 36 | string | No | End date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
ProductID | 1 | int | No | 1 = AttendEasy / 2 = FundEasy |
Error Code Description
0 Success
-1000 Invalid Login Credentials
-1001 Invalid Action
-1002 Invalid Start Date
-1003 Invalid End Date
-1008 Internal Error. If this error persists, please contact support.
-1022 Invalid or missing ProductID.
Field Name | Type | Description |
EventID | int | Unique event ID |
ProductID | int | Event Product, 1 = AttendEasy / 2 = FundEasy |
EventType | string | Event type name |
EventTitle | string | Event title |
InternalTitle | string | Internal event title |
Subtitle | string | Event subtitle |
EventDate | date | Unformatted event date |
StartTime | time | Unformatted event start time |
EndTime | time | Unformatted event end time |
IsAllDay | int | 0 = Not all day, 1 = All day |
PublicDisplayDate | string | Formatted event date |
PublicDisplayTime | string | Formatted event time |
Location | string | Event location (ie: hotel name) |
EventAddress1 | string | Event location address1 |
EventAddress2 | string | Event location address2 |
EventCity | string | Event location city |
EventStateName | string | Event location state name (ie: Ohio) |
EventStateAbbreviation | string | Event location state abbreviation (ie: OH) |
EventPostalCode | string | Event location zip or postal code |
EventCountry | string | Event location country |
Cost | string | Event cost |
Capacity | int | Event Capacity |
EventGoal | int | The goal amount of the event |
TotalRaised | int | The total amount raised to date of the entire event |
MC | string | Event MC |
SpeakName | string | Event Speaker |
SpeakDescription | string / html | Event speaker description |
ParkingInfo | string | Parking information |
InfoWebsite | string / url | URL to website for more information |
EventDescription | string / html | Event description |
ContactPersonName | string | Event contact person's full name |
ContactPhoneNumber | string | Event contract person's phone number |
ContactEmailAddress | string | Event contract person's email address |
CreatedDate | datetime | Date and time the event was created |
CreatedPersonName | string | Full name of person who created the event |
LastUpdatedDate | datetime | Date and time the event was last updated |
LastUpdatedPersonName | string | Full name of person who last updated the event |
EventStatusID | int | 0 = Event Closed, 1 = Event Open, 2 = Event Pre-Open |
AllMemberTotal | int | Total number of registrants in the event (not including canceled) |
AssignedMemberTotal | int | Total number of registrants with a group assigned |
UnassignedMemberTotal | int | Total number of registrants without a group assigned |
CancelledMemberTotal | int | Total number of registrants who have been canceled |
InvitedMemberTotal | int | Total number of invitations sent |
GroupTotal | int | Total number of groups created for this event |
Date | date | One of the Event Dates |
IsPrimary | int | 1 = Main Event Date / 0 = Another Event Date |
IsMultiDay | int | 1 = Has many event dates / 0 = Has only one event date |
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