Ministry Sync Developer Resources


Returns a list of registrant transactions for a specific event or member in Ministry Sync


POST Parameters

Param Length Type Required Description
APIUsername 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
APIPassword 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
APIKey 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
Action 36 string Yes SelectTransactions
SelectBy_EventID 11 int Yes Unique Event ID to get transactions from
SelectBy_MemberID 11 int no Unique Member ID to get transactions from
SelectBy_TransactionGUID 32 string no Unique Transaction GUID to look up a transaction

Expected Response Structure


Possible Error Values

Error Code	Description
0 Success
-1000 Invalid Login Credentials
-1001 Invalid Action
-1017 No data was found.
-1042 Invalid or missing Lookup_EventID or Lookup_MemberID.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Description
Field Name Type Description
InternalTransactionID int Internal Ministry Sync Primary Key for this transaction.
transInvoiceID int Internal Ministry Sync transaction invoice ID. There can be many transactions for one invoice.
MerchantTransactionID string Unique transaction ID received from processor.
AccountScheduleGUID string Unique ID received from processor when transaction has been scheduled for processing.
PaymentAccount string Last four digits of account used for payment.
CC_ExpDate string MM/YYYY - Credit Card Expiration Date
AuthCode string Authorization code received from processor.
GrossAmount float Gross amount of payment.
MerchantFee float Processing fees.
NetAmount float Gross Amount plus Merchant Fees
TaxDeductibleAmount float Amount that would be considered tax deductible.
CoverFee bool Whether or not the donor or registrant paid for the merchant fee.
DepositNetAmount float Net amount that was actually deposited into bank account after transaction fees. This field will be blank if the transaction has not been deposited yet.
DepositID int Deposit ID received from processor once the transaction has been deposited.
CreditID int Credit ID received from processor once the transaction has been refunded.
PaymentDateTime datetime Date and time payment was made.
PaymentType string Type of payment:

VISA = Visa
MSTR = MasterCard
DISC = Discover
AMEX = American Express
ACH-C = US Checking Account
ACH-S = US Savings Account
PaymentStatus string Completed / Incomplete
PaymentMessage string Message received from processor. CLEARED mean everything processed fine and was accepted. If there was a problem with the payment, the error will be given here.
ProcessManually bool 1 = Manually entered transaction (cash or check). 0 = Processed online
CheckNum int Check number given for a manually entered check payment.
NSF_Fee bool 1 = There was an NSF fee charged (ACH only)
OriginalTransactionGUID string Original transaction GUID (only applies for returns)
OriginalTransactionDate datetime Original transaction date (only applies for returns)
OriginalAmount float Original transaction amount (only applies for returns)
BillTo_Name string Name on Card.
BillTo_AddressStreet string Billing street address
BillTo_AddressCity string Billing city
BillTo_AddressState string Billing state
BillTo_AddressZip string Billing zip
BillTo_AddressCountry string Billing country
BillTo_Email string Billing email address
BillTo_Phone string Billing phone number
regMemberID int Unique Registration ID
regEventID int Unique Event ID
RegistrationStatus string Registration Status
SettlementDateTime datetime Date and time the transaction was deposited into the customers bank account
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