Ministry Sync Developer Resources
Xml Api / Actions / Update Person


Returns a list of Registrants


POST Parameters

Param Length Type Required Description
APIUsername 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
APIPassword 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
APIKey 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
Action 36 string Yes UpdatePerson
Lookup_PersonID 11 int One Required Lookup by PersonID or DonorID or ST_DonorGUID.
Lookup_DonorID 36 string One Required Lookup by PersonID or DonorID or ST_DonorGUID.
Lookup_ST_DonorGUID 36 string One Required Lookup by PersonID or DonorID or ST_DonorGUID.
Salutation 64 string no Person's Salutation
TitleID 11 int no Person's Title ID. Use Select Titles to get a list of available titles.
FirstName 128 string no Person's First Name
LastName 128 string no Person's Last Name
BirthDate 10 date no Person's Birth Date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
IsCompany 1 int no 0 = Person Profile. 1 = Company Profile
Company 128 string no Where person works
GenderID 1 int no 1 = Male. 2 = Female.
MaritalStatusID 3 int no Person's Marital Status. Use Select Marital Statuses to get a list of available marital statuses.
ChurchID 11 int no Person's Church. Use Select Churches to get a list of available churches.
Occupation 128 string no Person's Occupation
DonorID 36 string no Person's External Donor ID from a donor program.
ST_DonorGUID 36 string no Donor ID assigned by Stewardship Technology.
Address1 255 string no Person's Address 1
Address2 255 string no Person's Address 2
City 128 string no Person's City
StateID 11 int no Person's State and Country. Use Select states and Select Countries to get a list of State ID's
PostalCode 64 string no Person's Postal Code
Zip4 4 string no Person's Zip+4
PrimaryPhone 32 string no Person's Primary Phone Number
PrimaryEmail 255 string no Person's Primary Email Address

Expected Response Structure


Possible Error Values

Error Code	Description
0 Success
-1000 Invalid Login Credentials
-1001 Invalid Action
-1009 Missing Lookup_PersonID or Lookup_DonorID or Lookup_ST_DonorGUID. You may update by ONE of these IDs.
-1010 Invalid or missing Person ID.
-1011 Nothing to update. Please check documentation for a list of accepted fields.
-1012 Invalid or missing TitleID.
-1013 Invalid or missing GenderID.
-1014 Invalid or missing MaritalStatusID.
-1015 Invalid or missing ChurchID.
-1016 Invalid or missing StateID.
-1017 No data was found.
-1018 Invalid or missing Birth Date.
-1019 You can only update with one lookup field. You can use: Lookup_PersonID or Lookup_DonorID or Lookup_ST_DonorGUID.

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Description
ID int Unique Person ID
Salutation string
TitleID int Person's Title ID. Use "SelectTitles" to get a list of available titles.
FirstName string Person's First Name
LastName string Person's Last Name
BirthDate date Person's Birth Date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
IsCompany int 0 = Person Profile. 1 = Company Profile
Company string Where person works
GenderID int 1 = Male. 2 = Female.
MaritalStatusID int Person's Marital Status. Use Select Marital Statuses to get a list of available marital statuses.
ChurchID int Person's Church. Select Churches to get a list of available churches.
Occupation string Person's Occupation
DonorID string Person's External Donor ID from a donor program.
ProfilePhoto string Path to Person Profile Photo. Add "" in front of path to get it.
ST_DonorGUID string Donor ID assigned by Stewardship Technology.
TitleName string Person's Title Name
Address1 string Person's Address 1
Address2 string Person's Address 2
City string Person's City
StateID int Person's State and Country. Select states and Select Countries to get a list of State ID's
StateName string Person's State Name
State string Person's State Abbr. Code
CountryID int Person's Country ID. Use Select Countries to get a list of available countries.
Country string Person's Country Name
CountryCode string Person's two letter country code
PostalCode string Person's Postal Code
Zip4 string Person's Zip+4
Gender string Male or Female
MaritalStatus string Person's Marital Status Name
ChurchName string Person's assigned Church Name
Pastor string Person's assigned Church Pastor Name
IsPartnerChurch int 0 = No. 1 = Yes.
PhoneNumber string Person's Primary Phone Number
PhoneDescription string Person's Phone Description (Home, Work, Cell, Pager, Church, Fax)
EmailAddress string Person's Primary Email Address
EmailDescription string Person's Email Description (Personal, Work, Other)
MergedTitle string Person's Merged Title with Spouse
MergedSalutation string Person's Merged Salutation with Spouse
MergedName string Person's Merged Name with Spouse
CreatedPersonID int Person ID who created this person profile.
CreatedDate datetime Date and time the person was created.
LastUpdatedPersonID string Person ID who last updated this person profile.
LastUpdatedDate datetime Date and time the person was last updated.
Deleted int 0 = No. 1 = Yes.
DeletedPersonID int Person ID who deleted this person profile.
DeletedDate datetime Date and time the person was deleted.
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