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Returns a list of Registrants


POST Parameters

Param Length Type Required Description
APIUsername 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
APIPassword 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
APIKey 36 string Yes Assigned by Ministry Sync
Action 36 string Yes SelectRegistrants
EventID 11 int Yes Determines what kind to data to get.

REGISTRANTS: Returns all people registered in event.
GROUPHOSTS: Return all group hosts in event.
CANCELLED: Return all people who are cancelled in event.
DECLINED: Return all people who have declined to the event.
ATTENDED: Return all people who are marked as attended.
UNATTENDED: Return all people who are registered, but not attended.
REGISTRANTS_WITH_CANCELLED: Returns all people registered and cancelled in event
StartDate 36 string Yes Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format
EndDate 36 string No End date in YYYY-MM-DD format
SelectBy_TierID 3 int No Returns people by a specific tier (Liaison, Walk, or Sponsor).
Use Select Tiers function first to get the Tier ID's for an event.
SelectBy_StateID 11 int No Returns people who live in the State ID passed.
(Use Select States function to get a complete list of states and ID's)
SelectBy_ParentMemberID 11 int No Returns people who are registered under the Parent Member ID.
For example, if a walker has a Member ID of 200 and you wanted to see all the Sponsors under that walker, you would set SelectBy_ParentMemberID = 200
MaxResults 11 int No Limits the results

Expected Response Structure

<ParentLastName></ParentLastName >
<ParentIsCompany></ParentIsCompany >
<ParentCompany></ParentCompany >

Possible Error Values

Error Code	Description
0 Success
-1000 Invalid Login Credentials
-1001 Invalid Action
-1002 Invalid Start Date
-1003 Invalid End Date
-1004 Invalid or missing Event ID
-1005 Invalid or missing Parent Member ID
-1006 Invalid or missing Tier ID
-1007 Invalid SelectKind parameter
-1008 Internal Error. If this error persists, please contact support.
-1016 Invalid or missing StateID

Field Definitions

Field Name Type Description
PersonID int Person's ID number
PersonType string Type or label of person (ie: donor, volunteer)
PersonTitleID int Person's title ID
PersonTitle string Person's title (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
FirstName string Person's first name
LastName string Person's last name
PersonSalutation string Person's salutation (Dear ...)
PersonAddressID int Person's address ID
PersonAddress1 string Primary address line
PersonAddress2 string Secondary address line
PersonStateAbbreviation string State or Province abbreviation in address
PersonStateName string Full State or Province name in address
PersonStateID int State or Province ID in address
PersonCity string City in address
PersonPostalCode string Postal Code in address
PersonZip4 string Zip Code + 4
PersonCountry string Country in address
PersonCountryID int Country ID in address
GenderID int 1 = Male, 2 = Female
Gender string Person's gender
MaritalStatus string Person's marital status
MaritalStatusID int Person's marital status ID
PersonPhoneNumber string Person's primary telephone number
PhoneDescription string Primary type of primary telephone number
PersonPhoneNumberID int Person's primary telephone number ID
PersonHomeNumber string Person's home telephone number
PersonHomeNumberID int Person's home telephone number ID
PersonWorkNumber string Person's work telephone number
PersonWorkNumberID int Person's work telephone number ID
PersonCellNumber string Person's cell telephone number
PersonCellNumberID int Person's cell telephone number ID
PersonEmailAddress string Person's primary email address
EmailDescription string Type of primary email address
PersonEmailAddressID int Person's primary email address ID
PersonPersonalAddress string Person's personal email address
PersonPersonalAddressID int Person's personal email address ID
PersonWorkAddress string Person's work email address
PersonWorkAddressID int Person's work email address ID
PersonOtherAddress string Person's other email address
PersonOtherAddress int Person's other email address ID
IsCompany int 0 = Person Profile. 1 = Company Profile.
Company string Place of employment
Occupation string Job title
DonorID int Donor ID assigned to a person
BirthDate date Person's date of birth
ProfilePhoto string Person's profile photo
UseFacebookPhoto int 1 = Using Facebook Photo, 0 = Using Uploaded Photo
FacebookUserID int Facebook User ID
Homepage string Person's website or homepage
CreatedPersonID int Person ID who created the profile account
CreatedPersonName string Person who created the profile account
CreatedDate datetime Date when person profile account was created
LastUpdatedPersonID int Person ID who last updated the profile account
LastUpdatedPersonName string Person who last updated the profile account
LastUpdatedDate datetime Date when person profile account was last updated
ChurchID int Unique Church ID
ChurchName string Attending church name
ChurchPastor string Attending church pastor's name
ChurchAddress1 string Attending church primary address line
ChurchAddress2 string Attending church secondary address line
ChurchCity string Attending church city in address
ChurchStateName string Attending church full State or Province name in address
ChurchStateAbbreviation string Attending church State or Province abbreviation in address
ChurchPostalCode string Attending church Postal Code in address
ChurchCountry string Attending church country in address
regMemberID int Unique Registration ID number
regEventID Int Unique Event ID number
StartDate datetime Sign-up date of registration
GroupTitle string Registrant's group title
TableNumber string Registrant's table number
ParentMemberID int Parent Registration Assigned to this Registration
regMemberStatusID int Status ID of registration
regMemberStatusName string Status of registration
GroupAttendTotal int Total number of attended registrants in group
GroupMemberTotal int Total number of registrants in group
MemberStatusDateTime datetime Date of when registration status last changed
RequestedSeating string Person registrant requested to sit with
RequestedSeating_Note string Details about seating request
IsHostPrimary int 0 = Normal Group Host. 1 = Primary Group Host.
IsGroupHost int 0 = Normal Registrant. 1 = Group Host.
GroupID int ID number for registrant's group
PartyNumber int Registrant's party number
PartyCount int Total number of registrants in a party
MealChoice string Name of meal choice selected by registrant
MealDietaryRestrictions string Any dietary restrictions that were mentioned by the registrant
RoomCount int Total number hotel rooms requested
RoomSelection string Requested hotel room selection
HotelArrivalDate date Date arriving at the hotel
HotelDepartureDate date Date departing from the hotel
EndDate date End date of registration
regCredit string Name of person who received credit for a registration
TierID int Unique Tier ID
TierName string Name of Tier registration is part of (Liaison, Walker, Sponsor, etc)
TierRank int Order of of Tier
ChildCountTotal int Total number of registrants who are in a lower tier who are assigned to this person
ChildAmountDueTotal int Total amount owed of registrants who are in a lower tier who are assigned to this person
ChildAmountPaidTotal int Total amount paid of registrants who are in a lower tier who are assigned to this person
DefaultGoalAmount int Default goal amount that is set by the organization
GoalAmount int Goal that the user sets on the FundEasy page. If no goal set, use the default goal!
IsPageOffline int 0 = Page is Online, 1 = Page is Offline
IsPledge int 0 = Not Pledge. 1 = Pledge
transInvoiceID int Original registration Invoice ID number for payment
AmountDue float Total amount of all invoices for this registration
AmountPaid float Total amount of all invoices for this registration
FeesCovered float Total amount of the merchant fee was paid by the registrant
regMemberPaymentStatus string Registration payment status
transInvoiceRefunded int 0 = Not refunded. 1 = Refunded
ParentPersonID int The person's parent ID (ie: Liaison) first name
ParentFirstName string The person's parent (ie: Liaison) first name
ParentLastName string The person's parent (ie: Liaison) last name
ParentIsCompany int 1 = Parent Person is a company, 0 = Parent Person is not a company
ParentCompany string The person's parent (ie: Liaison) company name
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