Param | Length | Type | Required | Description |
APIUsername | 36 | string | Yes | Assigned by Ministry Sync |
APIPassword | 36 | string | Yes | Assigned by Ministry Sync |
APIKey | 36 | string | Yes | Assigned by Ministry Sync |
Action | 36 | string | Yes | SelectRegistrants |
EventID | 11 | int | Yes | Determines what kind to data to get. REGISTRANTS : Returns all people registered in event.GROUPHOSTS : Return all group hosts in event.CANCELLED : Return all people who are cancelled in event.DECLINED : Return all people who have declined to the event.ATTENDED : Return all people who are marked as attended.UNATTENDED : Return all people who are registered, but not attended.REGISTRANTS_WITH_CANCELLED : Returns all people registered and cancelled in event |
StartDate | 36 | string | Yes | Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
EndDate | 36 | string | No | End date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
SelectBy_TierID | 3 | int | No | Returns people by a specific tier (Liaison, Walk, or Sponsor). Use Select Tiers function first to get the Tier ID's for an event. |
SelectBy_StateID | 11 | int | No | Returns people who live in the State ID passed. (Use Select States function to get a complete list of states and ID's) |
SelectBy_ParentMemberID | 11 | int | No | Returns people who are registered under the Parent Member ID. For example, if a walker has a Member ID of 200 and you wanted to see all the Sponsors under that walker, you would set SelectBy_ParentMemberID = 200 |
MaxResults | 11 | int | No | Limits the results |
<ParentLastName></ParentLastName >
<ParentIsCompany></ParentIsCompany >
<ParentCompany></ParentCompany >
Error Code Description
0 Success
-1000 Invalid Login Credentials
-1001 Invalid Action
-1002 Invalid Start Date
-1003 Invalid End Date
-1004 Invalid or missing Event ID
-1005 Invalid or missing Parent Member ID
-1006 Invalid or missing Tier ID
-1007 Invalid SelectKind parameter
-1008 Internal Error. If this error persists, please contact support.
-1016 Invalid or missing StateID
Field Name | Type | Description |
PersonID | int | Person's ID number |
PersonType | string | Type or label of person (ie: donor, volunteer) |
PersonTitleID | int | Person's title ID |
PersonTitle | string | Person's title (Mr., Mrs., etc.) |
FirstName | string | Person's first name |
LastName | string | Person's last name |
PersonSalutation | string | Person's salutation (Dear ...) |
PersonAddressID | int | Person's address ID |
PersonAddress1 | string | Primary address line |
PersonAddress2 | string | Secondary address line |
PersonStateAbbreviation | string | State or Province abbreviation in address |
PersonStateName | string | Full State or Province name in address |
PersonStateID | int | State or Province ID in address |
PersonCity | string | City in address |
PersonPostalCode | string | Postal Code in address |
PersonZip4 | string | Zip Code + 4 |
PersonCountry | string | Country in address |
PersonCountryID | int | Country ID in address |
GenderID | int | 1 = Male, 2 = Female |
Gender | string | Person's gender |
MaritalStatus | string | Person's marital status |
MaritalStatusID | int | Person's marital status ID |
PersonPhoneNumber | string | Person's primary telephone number |
PhoneDescription | string | Primary type of primary telephone number |
PersonPhoneNumberID | int | Person's primary telephone number ID |
PersonHomeNumber | string | Person's home telephone number |
PersonHomeNumberID | int | Person's home telephone number ID |
PersonWorkNumber | string | Person's work telephone number |
PersonWorkNumberID | int | Person's work telephone number ID |
PersonCellNumber | string | Person's cell telephone number |
PersonCellNumberID | int | Person's cell telephone number ID |
PersonEmailAddress | string | Person's primary email address |
EmailDescription | string | Type of primary email address |
PersonEmailAddressID | int | Person's primary email address ID |
PersonPersonalAddress | string | Person's personal email address |
PersonPersonalAddressID | int | Person's personal email address ID |
PersonWorkAddress | string | Person's work email address |
PersonWorkAddressID | int | Person's work email address ID |
PersonOtherAddress | string | Person's other email address |
PersonOtherAddress | int | Person's other email address ID |
IsCompany | int | 0 = Person Profile. 1 = Company Profile. |
Company | string | Place of employment |
Occupation | string | Job title |
DonorID | int | Donor ID assigned to a person |
BirthDate | date | Person's date of birth |
ProfilePhoto | string | Person's profile photo |
UseFacebookPhoto | int | 1 = Using Facebook Photo, 0 = Using Uploaded Photo |
FacebookUserID | int | Facebook User ID |
Homepage | string | Person's website or homepage |
CreatedPersonID | int | Person ID who created the profile account |
CreatedPersonName | string | Person who created the profile account |
CreatedDate | datetime | Date when person profile account was created |
LastUpdatedPersonID | int | Person ID who last updated the profile account |
LastUpdatedPersonName | string | Person who last updated the profile account |
LastUpdatedDate | datetime | Date when person profile account was last updated |
ChurchID | int | Unique Church ID |
ChurchName | string | Attending church name |
ChurchPastor | string | Attending church pastor's name |
ChurchAddress1 | string | Attending church primary address line |
ChurchAddress2 | string | Attending church secondary address line |
ChurchCity | string | Attending church city in address |
ChurchStateName | string | Attending church full State or Province name in address |
ChurchStateAbbreviation | string | Attending church State or Province abbreviation in address |
ChurchPostalCode | string | Attending church Postal Code in address |
ChurchCountry | string | Attending church country in address |
regMemberID | int | Unique Registration ID number |
regEventID | Int | Unique Event ID number |
StartDate | datetime | Sign-up date of registration |
GroupTitle | string | Registrant's group title |
TableNumber | string | Registrant's table number |
ParentMemberID | int | Parent Registration Assigned to this Registration |
regMemberStatusID | int | Status ID of registration |
regMemberStatusName | string | Status of registration |
GroupAttendTotal | int | Total number of attended registrants in group |
GroupMemberTotal | int | Total number of registrants in group |
MemberStatusDateTime | datetime | Date of when registration status last changed |
RequestedSeating | string | Person registrant requested to sit with |
RequestedSeating_Note | string | Details about seating request |
IsHostPrimary | int | 0 = Normal Group Host. 1 = Primary Group Host. |
IsGroupHost | int | 0 = Normal Registrant. 1 = Group Host. |
GroupID | int | ID number for registrant's group |
PartyNumber | int | Registrant's party number |
PartyCount | int | Total number of registrants in a party |
MealChoice | string | Name of meal choice selected by registrant |
MealDietaryRestrictions | string | Any dietary restrictions that were mentioned by the registrant |
RoomCount | int | Total number hotel rooms requested |
RoomSelection | string | Requested hotel room selection |
HotelArrivalDate | date | Date arriving at the hotel |
HotelDepartureDate | date | Date departing from the hotel |
EndDate | date | End date of registration |
regCredit | string | Name of person who received credit for a registration |
TierID | int | Unique Tier ID |
TierName | string | Name of Tier registration is part of (Liaison, Walker, Sponsor, etc) |
TierRank | int | Order of of Tier |
ChildCountTotal | int | Total number of registrants who are in a lower tier who are assigned to this person |
ChildAmountDueTotal | int | Total amount owed of registrants who are in a lower tier who are assigned to this person |
ChildAmountPaidTotal | int | Total amount paid of registrants who are in a lower tier who are assigned to this person |
DefaultGoalAmount | int | Default goal amount that is set by the organization |
GoalAmount | int | Goal that the user sets on the FundEasy page. If no goal set, use the default goal! |
IsPageOffline | int | 0 = Page is Online, 1 = Page is Offline |
IsPledge | int | 0 = Not Pledge. 1 = Pledge |
transInvoiceID | int | Original registration Invoice ID number for payment |
AmountDue | float | Total amount of all invoices for this registration |
AmountPaid | float | Total amount of all invoices for this registration |
FeesCovered | float | Total amount of the merchant fee was paid by the registrant |
regMemberPaymentStatus | string | Registration payment status |
transInvoiceRefunded | int | 0 = Not refunded. 1 = Refunded |
ParentPersonID | int | The person's parent ID (ie: Liaison) first name |
ParentFirstName | string | The person's parent (ie: Liaison) first name |
ParentLastName | string | The person's parent (ie: Liaison) last name |
ParentIsCompany | int | 1 = Parent Person is a company, 0 = Parent Person is not a company |
ParentCompany | string | The person's parent (ie: Liaison) company name |
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